I created and maintain an email service called Port87. It has a novel and unique delivery system that keeps your email organized and your inbox spam free.

The Port87 delivery system was born out of necessity. While I was working as an engineer at LinkedIn, I would get about 10 to 15 spam messages in my Gmail inbox every day. Every single time, my watch would buzz, I'd look down at it, and I'd sigh that spam just cost me yet another interruption.
Eventually I decided that I had to tackle this problem. I started by moving my account emails into a separate email through ProtonMail, where I could use "Sieve scripts" (a type of programming language run on incoming mail) to organize them all into their own categories. That solved the issue of spam mixed in with all my account mail, but I was still getting spam.
Next, I developed a sort of "screening" system for my Gmail account through complicated filters and autoreplies. Since I wasn't getting account email there anymore, it was fine to block all automated email.
In June of 2021, I formed SciActive Inc, and in August, I left LinkedIn and started working on Port87, where all of this functionality would be easy and automated. The clunky system of Sieve scripts and filters that I now call the prototype paved the way for a brand new kind of email.